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© 2022 by Reditum Capital.

Ware Land Parcel

Ware Land Parcel


Location: Ware, Hertfordshire, UK
Size / Units: Land with planning allocation in place for 720+ residential units<
Use Class: Land with Planning Permission
Description: The Ware land parcel, which Reditum controls with partner Bellis Homes Ltd under the JV company name Redellis,  forms approximately 42% of the total Ware land site, which achieved residential allocation for approximately 1650 units from Hertfordshire council in October 2018 and represents the majority of potential new-build residential units in Ware until 2033. Reditum Capital is progressing the planning to outline stage, at which point the transaction will be exited to UK housebuilder Taylor Wimpey has exchanged on a contract to purchase Reditum’s full allocation of units for £100k each, totaling £72m.
