Our Planning

Section 106 agreement and Planning

Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority (LPA) to enter into a legally-binding agreement or planning obligation, with a land developer over a related issue. The obligation is sometimes termed as a ´Section 106 agreement´.

Such agreements can cover almost any relevant issue and can include sums of money. Possible examples of S106 agreements could be: the developer will transfer ownership of an area of woodland to a LPA with a suitable fee to cover its future maintenance the local authority will restrict the development of an area of land, or permit only specified operations to be carried out on it in the future eg, amenity use the developer will plant a specified number of trees and maintain them for a number of years the developer will create a nature reserve S106 agreements can act as a main instrument for placing restrictions on the developers, often requiring them to minimise the impact on the local community and to carry out tasks, which will provide community benefits. Cobra work with you to understand your business needs and parking restrictions to deliver passenger transportation alternatives to using a car (SOV Single Occupancy Vehicle).