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    Build Leaner and Shippable Product Version With Our

    MVP Development Services for Startups

    Launching an app without testing is like flying with a parachute that may or may not open! So, be market-ready by leveraging Intelivita’s MVP development expertise to test the product’s feasibility, functionality, and usability before the launch!

    • Contemporary web design and clean coding
    • Niche, engaging, interactive websites
    Know About MVP
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    Looking to Build an MVP App?

      Start Small, Scale Fast With Our MVP Development Services

      We understand the level of assumptions that goes inside your head as a startup founder. Determine whether your startup idea matches and attract the market demands our MVP development services for your startup. Bring in Intelivita as MVP Development Company for your startup to run the “develop – test – release – demonstrate cycle multiple times till it meets your expectations.

      Our MVP development services help you validate assumptions, so you understand the market better and implement changes in product/offerings accordingly. MVP experts at our MVP development company assist in developing a strategy for your start-ups with phase-wise feature release to stay ahead of competitors. Blend in new functionality, improve drawbacks, and keep making your product feature-rich with us.

      Get full access to the MVP documentation, status reports and test results to stay in control of your minimum viable product with our MVP development services.

      Benefits Of MVP

      Consider MVP development for your startup to validate and prove your assumptions while being cost-effective. Our MVP development company benefits you by providing the right technology match to your ideas.

      Idea Validation

      Turn to our MVP development service expert and clarify your doubts as we help you validate your ideas to get you started with confidence.

      Improve Scalability

      Our expertise in MVP development enables you can scale from scratch anywhere with the latest technology stack in place and commitment in delivery standards.

      Long Term Planning

      Counter all the technical challenges beforehand MVP stage provides you a platform to envision future goals and offerings with enhanced product development.

      Market Examination

      Yield top-notch MVP development services to estimate the market size, your product USP and prospective competition as you test waters with market practicality.

      Industries We Serve

      Our MVP development services are dynamic enough to cater to any industry-specific needs as our web and app developers equip robust technology for every niche.


      With a lot of browsing and streaming content online, the media and entertainment apps are shaping up the future. Choose the cost-effective way with our MVP development services to build fully scalable web and mobile app catering to users seeking media content over media to unlock the full potential of your startup.

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      The market demand for the taxi app is high. Create MVP for the next on-demand taxi app that helps to connect customers to taxi service professionals in a simpler manner. Our full-stack taxi app solution with GPRS, ride-sharing and real-time location features can be a great way to put your MVP in the market for further analysis.

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      Food Delivery

      The power to connect people looking for food with the nearby restaurants lies in your hand with food delivery MVP for your startup. Our MVP development services can integrate offers, coupon codes, loyalty points, payment gateways and delivery locations for your food delivery app with the right guidance powered by latest technology.

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      Is your startup joining the health and fitness bandwagon? Well, our MVP development company help you create a fitness app that lets users book personal trainer, gyms, and make an appointment with the dieticians. Create a feature-rich health and fitness MVP with us that helps users to discover workout plans, recipes, and monitoring their diet’s nutritional information.

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      Car Wash

      Car wash MVP is useful in demonstrating to prospective investors about how your service will help customers to locate the nearest on-demand car wash services. Our on-demand solutions can enable MVP development for your car wash startup which comes integrated with a map APIs that facilitates real-time navigation, digital wallet integration and quick online slot booking.

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      Social Media

      Though the market is full of social media app, creating a revolutionary social media MVP can make a difference. Launch a new social media platform with a thorough understanding of market and user perception. Make this possible with our MVP development services for startups designed to test your new social media concept that does more than merely connecting people.

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      Turn your dream startup to reality with our MVP Development.

      MVP Development Process

      As an experienced MVP development company, we have devised a proven method that helps you top build quality dynamic and scalable product within the given timeframe.

      Market Research

      Our dedicated market research team initiates the market validation process with thorough research before getting started to ensure project success.

      Technical Analysis

      We follow research with conducting pen testing and regression testing that ensures your MVP is based on the standard specifications.


      Our MVP development experts designs prototype that help you win shareholders’ interests with feature-rich mock-up design and well-defined use cases


      We plunge into the MVP development stage to put all concepts to tests and build a strategy around it to make product market-worthy.

      Testing And Deployment

      Our MVP development services include rigorous testing and deployment services to ensure rolling out a comprehensive product for your startup.

      Measure The Goals

      Our MVP development services include rigorous testing and deployment services to ensure rolling out a comprehensive product for your startup.

      Why choose Intelvita?

      We are in the technology business for over a decade, and our blend of expertise and experience goes into offering the best MVP development services for your startup.

      Launch Test

      We run a couple of stringent launch tests to give you a fair idea of product performance and its usability.

      Server Deployment

      Our MVP development team can copy app usage against the real-life scenario with the app deployment of a production server.

      Market Launch

      Launch your MVP or a pivot project with us on the marketplace to join other product communities for feedback.

      Ongoing Improvements

      Our MVP development company ensures continuous and consistent improvement on first cut products to blend in with new features.

      Driving Innovation

      MVP development services are nothing without innovation as we strive to inspire your MVP with the newest technological innovations.

      24*7 Assistance

      Even after the product launch, our expert MVP development consultants are available all the time to resolve complex issues.

      Success Stories of Our MVP App Development


      Mental well-being is an aspect that needs proper therapy and guidance. Hope app achieves a high level of therapeutic mental well-being for its users through Intelivta’s software engineering excellence. Our developers created an advanced app that provides features for scheduled sessions of specific activities to boost mental well-being.

      In addition, we helped them build the MVP version of the app and understand the first-hand user experience of the app.

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      MVP Development is still in its nascent stages. Queries about its performance and feasibility are common. Find answers to the most common questions that everybody has.

      MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a development method that helps startups to test their business model and product before they invest more time and money into it. It is also a way to get feedback from users early in the development process to help find and fix problems. The idea is to create a prototype or version of your product that is as close to perfect as possible. You then let potential customers use this prototype and provide feedback. Doing this allows you to figure out what needs to be changed to make your product more user-friendly and effective.

      There are a variety of benefits that can be derived from the development of an MVP (minimum viable product). These benefits can include the following:

      1. Reduced development time - By developing an MVP, you can reduce the overall development time for your product by ensuring that all key functionality is included from the get-go.
      2. Increased user feedback - By starting with an MVP, you will be able to collect user feedback early on in the product development process.
      3. Enhanced customer retention - By developing an MVP, you will be able to test your product's viability and determine whether it is worth pursuing further.
      4. Reduced risk - By developing an MVP, you can minimize the risk associated with launching a new product into the market.
      If you're interested in learning more about how an MVP can benefit your business, please contact us! We would be happy to discuss your specific needs in more detail.

      MVP development services usually include the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), a product or service that is just enough to show potential customers what your business can do. The goal of an MVP is to test and demonstrate your business' feasibility and potential without investing too much money or time upfront. Once you have an MVP, you can beta-test it with selected customers and gradually expand your audience as you gain more feedback. This process can help you determine whether your business idea is viable and fine-tune it until it is perfect.

      Some general costs may be associated with developing an MVP app include:

      1. Design costs includes everything from creating a user interface to developing the architecture and design of your app.
      2. Development costs includes everything from coding to deploying your app.
      3. Marketing costs includes anything from developing marketing materials to advertising your app.
      4. Legal costs includes anything from securing intellectual property rights to complying with local regulations.
      5. Miscellaneous costs includes anything from payments to taxes related to your project.
      The cost of developing an MVP app will vary depending on the specifics of your project. However, investing in a comprehensive development solution can help you minimize overall costs and ensure reduced time to market. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!


      Work speaks louder than words! Our range of work demonstrates the expertise and command we hold over a plethora of technologies. We are constantly evolving and adapting to market demands to help businesses to succeed.


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