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    SNLyft: A Taxi Booking, Food & Parcel Delivery Booking App developed by our Experts

    Intelivita is a proud contributor to developing a taxi, food, and parcel delivery application. The application is available on both Android & iOS, and there is a web page. This cab booking and delivery app allows users to book a taxi when wanting to travel, and a cab when wanting to deliver a parcel or order food from a restaurant.

    Abstract of Custom Taxi & Delivery App

    SNLyft is a single landing page website and a mobile application developed for Android & iOS. The mobile application helps

    • Foodies to order food from restaurants
    • Users send parcels to their loved ones
    • Book taxis to reach a specific destination

    SNLyft is a one-stop solution for travellers, foodies, and general customers. One application replaces three different applications, which is one of the biggest benefits for users since it reserves less space in your handy device.

    Client Form

    - United Kingdom

    App Type

    - Taxi & Delivery App


    - iOS and Android

    About Client & Application Requirement

    Marcel Nadro is the one who found difficulty in switching applications for three different requirements. That’s when he thought of creating an application that manages all three requirements.

    Marcel shared his plan of building a mobile application that caters to both Android & iOS users who either book tax frequently, order food, or send parcels. With the idea of building an all-in-one application, Marcel made sure that the application caters to large group audiences.

    Intelivita stands on its toes to make Marcel’s dream come true by developing Android & iOS applications. Through the application, users can book a taxi, order food, or deliver parcels.

    Solution By Intelivita

    • It’s been seven years in the mobile application development industry, and today we can proudly say that all the applications we built have millions of downloads. All of them were feature-rich and developed using several languages.
    • We understood the entire concept of an application, read the scope file, and built the application.
    • Since SNLyft is a 3-in-1 application with several distinct features, we took it as an opportunity to build something unique and entirely different. SNLyft is a market-disrupting concept and couldn’t be less than an achievement for us.
    • That’s how we built SNLyft application by including all the essential features that are necessary to include.
    Both Android & iOS has
    four interfaces:

    • Restaurant admin panel
    • Taxi admin panel
    • Restaurant user panel
    • Parcel user panel
    • Super admin panel for the application
    For customers, upon login, three
    options would flash up:

    • Taxi Service
    • Parcel Pick Up & Delivery
    • Food Delivery
    Besides, we have also designed a landing page to offer in-detail information about the application with downloadable links.

    • Restaurant Name
    • Current Address
    • Photos
    • Address Proof (upload)
    • Phone Number
    • ID Proof (upload)
    • Email ID
    • Restaurant Category
    • Photos

    App ScreenShots

    The Challenge

    Without any challenges, there are no applications built. Our team has brainstormed a lot about two challenges, which are as follows:
    • The biggest challenge our team faced was the socket connection. The connection loses from time to time, and fixing it was a daunting task. However, our team fixed the issue of socket connection.
    • Another challenge was to integrate payment gateway in the application so that users can make payments for taxi service, parcel delivery, or food orders. We have successfully integrated the payment method in the application, so that the users can make the payment.

    Technologies We Used

    We have used the cutting-edge development technologies to deliver interactive and dynamic mobile app experiences.

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